
Directors’ story

I was born to a poor set of parents back in 1982 at bugulumbya village in Buzaaya County. In a family of peasant we were raised 11 children who belonged to the deceased uncle who had passed on few years back, so in total we were 16 children that my parents had to take care for by 1995.

My parents spent most of the time in the garden to be able to raise enough for our upkeep as well as meeting our school dues but all trials were fertile. The load was too heavy for them to withstand.

In 1996, I was admitted to a good school having passed my PLE well and this meant that some children had to halt their studies. The girls were told to stop school so that I may be supported in the school of my admit ion. My after 3 years, of not studying, they eloped with me as I was at school.

In 1998 however, due to bad /poor harvest in crops, I didn’t also complete my studies in that good school because my parents could no longer afford the fees. My parents took me to a village school where I finished my UCE.

My parents struggled until I graduated with a bachelor’s degree but I felt the pain and guilty when I see my sisters who were denied a right to education because of me.

This pain compelled me to start a school in bulopa as a seed of quality education to give a chance to many and also to advocate for a girl child education in the community.

Director’s appeal

My humble appeal to the readers of my story is to join hands with me in the struggle of making possible for even the girls, the poor and the orphaned children to enjoy the same rights to like other children of the rich, never again to discriminate them for all children are a heritage from God.

Let us pool resources towards bridging the present with the future of our children through provision of quality education to the neglected communities; children need schools and other supplies for them to acquire a bright future.

How to join the struggle

You can support our school by;

  1. Donating a classroom block to our school which will be in memory of your name. a classroom costs 10000 US dollars and can accommodate 60 students.
  2. You can support a poor child by paying school dues every child needs 20 US dollars per month to stay in school.
  3. You can feed an orphan child with 10 US dollars per month.
  4. You can cause to support the construction of a dormitory for girls to any amount you can afford. In total we need 40000 US dollars.