who we are

Our Mission:

To equip children and youths with quality Education, life skills, entrepreneurship and economic empowerment skills and psycho-social support so as to enable them attain their full socio-economic potential

Our objectives:

  • Increase awareness and demand for adolescent SRHR/GBV service in Uganda.
  • Increase access to quality education system for the children in need.
  • To improve the physical, emotion, mental health and wellbeing of the young mothers (19 – 30 years) and girls (10-18 years) as well as putting them back to school.
  • To provide adolescent girls and women with skills in how to make re-usable menstrual pads and hand liquid soap.
  • Promote sustainable agricultural practices, for improved household food security, better incomes and environment protection by women and their families.
  • Improve the economic security of women, youths and their families through home based projects such, Art and crafts, crocheting, sewing/tie and dye as well as improved farming practice.
  • Promote direct participation of children, youths and women in income generating activities.
  • To promote rural sanitation and hygiene.
  • Promotion and protection of children and women rights.

Our Core values:

We believe in mutual respect and hereby recognize the innate worth of all.

  • People and the value of their unique experiences.
  • We believe in equity and we will work to ensure equal opportunity to every child, irrespective of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, class, ethnicity, disability, location and religion.
  • We believe in honesty and transparency and will be held accountable for the effectiveness of our actions and open in our commitment to improving education and poverty conditions.
  • We believe in the courage of conviction encourage creativity, boldness and innovation without the fear of failure as we work to make the greatest possible impact in the education of the children.
  • We believe in humility and recognize that we belong to a larger movement fighting for the right to education and welfare of children and their families.