About us

Joy heart schools is a school found in Bugwala village, Bulopa sub-county, Bugabula south constituency Kamuli district in Eastern Uganda.

This school was started by mr. Bakaise Ronald on 2nd November 2015 with four permanent classes, an office and other six wooden classes. In this construction, a six stance latrine was put in the place.

On 23rd February 2016, the school was opened with a staff of 15 workers. Of this staff, were male teachers, 5 female teachers, an askali, matron and a cook.

This year the school started from baby class to primary seven with a total number of 123 pupils. On this population they were 83 girls and 40 boys in the start.

It was a great pleasure this year whereby the community welcomed the idea of having such development in the society. This made efforts of mobilizing parents to bring their children to newly mighty school in the community.

In 201 , the founder managed to buy another piece of land for expansion and three rooms with one store were constructed on this piece of land this made a great extension and progress of the school.

In this year, the school got a license from the ministry of education and sports as ME/P/7910.

There was an increase in the number of pupils to 156 pupils where 99 were girls and 57 were boys.

In 2018, another piece of land was bought and two rooms were constructed for staff and one room for a kitchen. In this year, the school managed to have a hand dug bore hole drilled in the school and this was after the children moving long distances in search for water.

In this year, the population increased to 204 pupils where 112 were girls and 92 were boys.

In 2019, the school managed to install a piped water to accompany the bore hole and having enough water in the school for domestic use. In this very year, a min boarding section was introduced in the school majorly for candidate class. We gradually registered an increase in population to 254 pupils
where 154 were girls and 100 boys.

In 2020, there was global world pandemic of covid -19 which broke out and schools and other institutions were put under lock down.

In 2021, the lock down was relaxed and only candidate classes were allowed to study under so many restrictions like social distance, masking, regular washing of hands with clean water and soap, having covid-19 task committee in the school, having hand washing facilities, isolation rooms and a temperature gun. With this, operational certificates were given under supervision by health inspectors in the district. In this year, the six wooden blocks were demolished and a permanent building of 3 classes, an office for nursery section and a resting room were constructed.

In 2022, the schools resumed normally and pupils who were not in candidate classes had an automatic promotion to the newt classes after the pandemic. In this year, the school registered a population of 362 pupils of which 230 were girls and 132 were boys.

In this year we realized a population of 409 pupils where 254 were girls and 147 were boys. The school managed to buy a piece of land where an extension of a boarding section for girls was to be constructed.

In 2024, the school managed to put a permanent building for boarding section and parameter wall for security purposes. In this year the population gradually increased to 497 pupils with 267 girls and 230 boys.

I humbly thank God for the glory that has been exhibited towards the development of the school. It has not been my own making but Gods grace.

However the following has been registered as achievements and some challenges.

(a) Achievements

  1. Availability of electricity which enhances the smooth running of school plans like in security, computer lessons and lighting of the school.
  2. Registration; the school was ably registered by the ministry of education and sports with registration number PPS/J/318.
  3. Acquisition of UNEB center number 005009 this enables candidates to write their final primary leaving examination within the school.
  4. Introduction of computer lessons. This has helped many of our learners especially candidates to get the skills of computer. Many have been helped in word processing and excel publisher.
  5. Acquisitioon of land. The school has been able to acquire a large piece of land for ewpansion.
  6. Installation of piped water within the school this helps in running the day- to-day activities of the school.
  7. Construction of parameter wall. This has enabled the school to have strict and enough security of pupils in the school.
  8. License. The school was able to get license from the ministry of education and sports.

(b) Challenges

  1. Inadequate solar panels to boost on the lightiong in case of absence of electric.
  2. Lack of enough scholastic materials especially for the large number of vulnerable children in the school.
  3. Lack of enough computers to enable studies for all learners in the school to access the skills of computer.
  4. Lack of enough staff quarters to enable the school accommodate the staff within the school
    for smooth running of the school programs and avoiding long distances from places of residence.
  5. Lack of enough first aid for learners especially with chronicle problems that need special attention.
  6. Lack of transport services like a van affects most learners who travel long distances from their home to school to access the services.
  7. Feeding. Due to large number of vulnerable children most of them are underfed and this affects their concentration in studies.
  8. Sanitatioon. Most classes are dusty and this afects the smartness of the learners in the
    school. And personal hygiene at large.